
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Potato Salad

I am not a fan of potato salad but a good friend of mine brought this recipe to work back in 2006 and I just had to have the recipe!  This recipe is for a dill potato salad.  I don't like sweet relish potato salad so this dill version was perfect!  My sweet friend Jennifer shared this with me and it has quickly become a family favorite.  My husband loves it and asks for it often. I also take it to family reunions a lot.

This is one of those recipes that you really have to judge the measurements by taste.  I'm going to do my best to guide you on the measurements, but I taste this one like 10 times while making it to ensure it's exactly how I want it to taste.  It's Gluten Free and needs to be chilled for about 2-3 hours after you make it!  Enjoy!

5-6 whole potatoes
1/4 cup of mayo (not Miracle Whip)
3 Tbsp Mustard
1/4 cup celery - chopped finely
1/4 of a small red onion - chopped finely
4 Tbsp Dill Relish
Salt and Pepper to taste (at least 1/4 tsp of salt if not more)

Boil the whole potatoes in a big pot with the skins on and not cubed. (I know - my mom always wonders why I do this but it makes them so much easier to peel and chop if you do it this way and it changes the consistency of your potato makes it more smooth and velvety).  After the potatoes are done boiling (the skins should be pulling back a little bit), drain them and let them cool for about 30 min.  Then you need to peel and throw the peelings away and cut the potatoes into cubes and place them in a big bowl.  Add the mayo and mustard.  Keep in mind my measurements above are a guesstimate so if you need to add more mayo you can, just make sure you don't get it too mushy.  Add the relish, red onion and celery and salt and pepper.  Stir and go back and taste it and add more of an ingredient if you think it needs some. 

I have found it tastes the best if you make it the night before and let it sit so the taste of the onions and celery really come out!

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